A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Dear operator,

please be informed that some toys suplied are defected. You need to filter them out. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED FOR OUR CITIZENS.

Please, submit the form NI84 upon the end of your working day to your manager.

Lately, the machine has been having nightmares.

and this affects the toys it produces. 

The machine sleeps and dreams. When dreams are good,

it produces beautiful and high-quality goods. 

Lately, the machine has been having nightmares.

and this affects the toys it produces. 

Help the machine to cope with the nightmares through training:

destroy bad toys and choose toys of the needed type.

About US:

Darya Zhurnakova - lead character and environment artist, game concept, game design. University of Hertfordshire. 


Vasily Makarov - programmer, game designer. Unity developer for 5 years, and Unreal developer for less the one year, the bug and build failures creator :)




Windows.zip 307 MB
Mac (1).zip 199 MB


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(1 edit)

we have put it for MAC to this link in github, Link

Mac Build:


Windows build:


We was late for 10 minutes to upload the build (our issues) :( 

Finally we have understood how to install all dependencies for windows and build it https://github.com/agentdalecoper/ConveerToys/raw/main/Windows.zip?download= 

i am to stupid - my first unreal game :)

It happens, we had a similar situation a year ago. great looking game though

